4 success factors to face recruitment processes in 2016

by Etalentum
Published: Last Updated on

The labor market is constantly changing, which requires flexibility and adaptability of the contracting companies, but, what will be the success factors that will be consolidated in this 2016?

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Industry experts highlight four key factors to face the recruitment processes in the future:

1. Digital Fingerprint:

Disappears the traditional CV based on our professional experience, studies, etc. The main Headhunters search the best candidates through internet and social networks, and complete their reports with information that candidates have left as a digital fingerprint on the network and personal skills evaluations, reason why professionals must be very carefull with their activities in the network.

2. Hiring professionls 2.0:

It is increasingly common job search and recruitment through the internet. Companies require trained workers who have the ability to work from a virtual space, with flexible hours and relocation, what enables them to attract talent from anywhere in the world.

This trend, highly prevalent in highly developed countries, is landing in our country to rest. Every time there are more professionals that staying in touch “part time” with the company, develop work from their homes, trend that will change the paradigm of the traditional recruitment , mainly those one linked to contracting highly qualified professionals for technological sectors with high added value, but will be extended to other sectors of our productive economy.

3. Inseparability between the professional and the personal.
In connection with the above, one of the consequences of working from home, involves the use of personal devices for work and vice versa, such as mobile phones, laptops, tablets, etc, something that if the company knows how to value and offer as an advantage, will report employability of quality. More and more cases of professionals who value a lot being “at the last” on digital technology. The companies that understand that link, will have the opportunity to improve the ratios to attract quality professionals and stability in their professional staff.

4. Emotional salary linked to company culture.

More and more companies implementing wage policies linked to factors as welfare and happiness, such as work-life balance, flexible working hours, opportunities for professional development, will may become much more motivating than traditional economic considerations . Companies implementing policies linked to emotional salary will perform staff loyalty and productivity, aspect of trendsetting in the coming years, being for sure a key factor to consider when hiring staff.

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