Noticias sobre temas de interés para empresas o negocios
Nowadays, something as elementary as the selection of personnel can become one of the most complex…
Noticias sobre temas de interés para empresas o negocios
Nowadays, something as elementary as the selection of personnel can become one of the most complex…
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish and Català.
Digital skills are one of the competencies of the most valued professionals today, along with knowing…
The online sector is the most committed to conciliation policies, which has a greater female presence…
For years the freelancers have demanded improvements and it seems that they are about to see the…
The State is conducting an important plan to boost eGovernment in Spain and improve citizen service.…
December 31st is the deadline to apply for the subsidized training courses The companies have annually…
The high demand for highly qualified profiles is one of the biggest challenges that the industry…
September 28, 2016 The Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ), known by the judgment…
The CDTI (Centre para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial) announces the CIEN call for the annuity…