Roboticists, the most demanded professionals

by Etalentum
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The robotic industry is in constant growth and development, thing that generates that most of the companies cannot fill vacancies with existing professionals, due to the limited number of candidates specialized in these types of jobs.

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Since the European Union estimates that companies in the euro zone will generate 900,000 new jobs linked to robotics in the next 5 years, the industry will have to plan their recruitment needings, according to the short term future needing’s.

The implementation of industry 4.0, called as fourth industrial revolution, will require many specialized professionals in collaborative robotics, generating high demand needs and recruiting highly qualified personnel, who must be trained in our universities in the coming years.

It is a great opportunity for professionals in the scientific and technological world that want to join jobs linked to the manufacture, design and programming of robots and drones, in connection with other disciplines related to the sector.

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The sum of all the new technologies and robotics in question, creates a new opportunity for the industry that can exploit its full potential and resources with application development management, communication and data processing, providing a high potential digital transformation to new emerging sectors.

Trying to look to the future, how will be the factories in 2060? The answer to this question is a Europe full of ultra-efficient underground floors, bionic robots, biometric checks carried to its best and skilled labor leaving the manual work by the software, with features of productive simulation and control efficiency. Only time will tell whether this vision becomes reality.

We are far from 2060, but the road has already begun. Today new technologies allow more efficient production chain virtually simulate the manufacture of a product, prevent and repair damage to remote and flexible production, all without firing operating costs, but, are the companies prepared to face this change? Do they have the right professionals? Do they share the same vision?

Business man drawing a project of building on a glass window

In the coming years we will have the answer to these questions, but what is clear, is that process of transformation of the industry has begun, generating a significant impact on human resources needing’s, with high recruitment needs of specialized professional profiles, to be covered in the coming years, problem that will have to be solved by the industry in order to not to lose business opportunities.

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