New ways to attract highly qualified technical staff

by Etalentum
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JM_00195DM30125The high demand for highly qualified profiles is one of the biggest challenges that the industry must face in the future, especially technology companies that require specialized personnel to join their organizations. Often, companies haveimportant difficulties in finding suitable staff, especially technical professionals on the one hand and, on the other hand, the rush to cover these jobs generated by the reviving of the economy and export capacity of our country.

4 of 10 profiles hiredlast year in Catalonia correspond to highly skilled technology profiles, while departments that traditionally led recruitment processes – marketing, sales, financial and senior management etc, lose weight in terms of contractation. There is also animportant change in the ways of attracting talent that has taken place in the last decade and that has forced the human resources departmentsto adapt to the new situation. Because, who would have imagined  that ten years ago, 85% of people looking for work would do it through the Internet, when job offers were published in local newspapers or, at national ones? And, even more, who had thought that six out of 10 of these people only use the mobile phone to find a new job? Or that professional social networks at that time no-existing, represent currently 25% of the sources of recruitment companies and specialized consultants?


Internet has changed the rules in only 6 years, to the point that most HR departments have had to change their ways of working and to deal with new processes of recruitment, especially in those positions where the technological component plays a preponderant role. The dynamics have changed selection and ways to attract professionals as well. Candidates have access to the companies information , they can now their culture, values, products and services, how they work and organize, also have opinions of their customers, suppliers and even from other employees and, therefore, may know more each organization. And vice versa: the companies have exhaustive information of the candidates, not only personal information but comments from other companies, clients, colleagues, and so on. This increase of information, along with the emergence of social networks and the social trend to greater flexibility in mobility mean that companies that want to have the best professionals have to innovate in the ways to attract the best talent.

Thus, those companies that know how to manage this information and are able to communicate effectively and efficiently, both internally and externally,will capture the best talent for their organizations. In this regard, it will be essential to forge the brand image internally, beyond our customers to ensure that our employees, suppliers and partners speak well of us, turning them into ambassadors. This concept, called employer branding, is also applicable to other departments of the company, not just HR. And surely, those organizations that are able to apply it, will be able to attract the best talent and improve their competitivity.

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