Do you know if you are a workaholic?

by Etalentum
Published: Last Updated on

It is possible that you are a workaholic and you do not want to recognize it, it is also likely that someone around you will suffer from this disorder, but what is it to be a workaholic? It is the uncontrollable addiction to work without rest. Does anyone comes to your mind?

You have to know how to differentiate between people who are addicted to work who simply love their work life or are highly responsible.


How to differentiate people addicted to work?

We find several characteristics that define people with this addiction:

They are people who never enjoy the free time they have, they do not even allow themselves to have it since it causes them great anxiety just thinking that they are not working. For this reason they are people who need to work 7 days a week and as many hours as possible.

This attitude leads them to prevail the work life over the personal life, not dedicating time to the couple, family and friends. They are not interested in having a social life because they prefer to dedicate their time to work.

Delegating tasks is practically impossible, because they think that nobody can do them better than themselves. They have a very high control eagerness, being unable to leave an unfinished task as they feel guilty. At the same time, they have the need for admiration and subordination of others.

They have panic to say “no” to some task or to the boss. They think that if they refuse some tasks they will be dismissed automatically or that they will generate a huge disappointment.

How to solve this addiction?

Individuals suffering from this addiction must be made to understand that there is time to work and time to enjoy. Not being working does not mean being lazy or irresponsible.

Many times this addiction also occurs when trying not to face other types of problems or personal situations, such as having an ambition for money or having financial problems, having a lack of organization, having family problems and wanting to arrive as late as possible. home or have a very low self-esteem.

It must be said that not solving this addiction affects physical and mental health causing high blood pressure, heart attacks, gastric diseases, back pain, sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression and suicide attempt.

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