Where we seek professionals for our company?

by Etalentum
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When we need to look professional for our company, we have several options, all have advantages and disadvantages, now we present the main ways to find professionals to our company:
– Own employees and References

Sometimes to find a professional to our company, we just have to ask acquaintances and employees to meet the person who can occupy a place of work for us. The current situation of the labor market means that many professionals are close to us.

– Newspaper ads

It allows us to extend the search of staff, is a way to find workers about our business without knowing them. You have to measure very well the kind of newspaper where the notice is published as the impact of it will be more or less important depending on the circulation of the newspaper. The major drawback of this type of ad is the cost involved for the company.

– Ads online

Search through listings online portals attract us much staff to the workplace but for this very reason involves a very important start filtering all candidates for the place of work. With this system we can find people from all over the world, but when we have to interview the displacement is the great inconveniente.Las just hours lost in the first filter are very important. The advantage of the medium is the price, since in many cases is reduced and some even free.

– Recruitment Company

This system is used to select personnel medium to high position in the company. It allows us to study the technical skills of the candidate. The company is responsible for searching, filtering, interviews and we only interviewed the finalists. It is a good solution because we outsource all the work to a third party. The problem comes as the price of the service and only found close to the company of people selection, so that when we have to select personnel away from our company, we depend on someone you do not know.
– Online recruitment company

Select online allows us we can convinar professional help in recruiting workers with the flexibility that has internet. We can look for such workers to Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Russia, France, without the need to move our Despatx. What we have to do is be described as the workplace and how we want to be the person you want to hire. Etalentum is the first company in Spain specializing in finding employees online form, so that staff can choose anywhere in the world. To conduct interviews only have to enter the platform and go to the video section of interviews, all safely.

How can we seek peoplo for our company ?

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