Unployment is low in Catalunya

by Etalentum
Published: Last Updated on

According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the number of unemployed in Catalonia fell by 16,261 people in may, which represents a decrease of 3.82% over the previous month and places the total unemployed at 409,490. Compared with the same month last year, the number of registered unemployed has dropped by 60,715 people, which means a 12.91% drop.
Also in the Spanish territory as a whole, the number of unemployed registered in the offices of public employment services fell in may by 111,908 unemployed over the previous month (-3.1%), registering their fourth best record within the historical series
Unemployment has fallen in all activity services but the services sector is the one with the highest reduction with 11,024 unemployed less than in april, followed by industry with 1,825 less, agriculture with 1,441 and construction with 1.412. In addition, there are 559 unemployed less without previous employment.
The recruitment and staff recruitment

Captura de pantalla 2014-11-17 a las 15.51.15

in may increased 22.05%, with 53,322 more, up to a total of 295,142, and increased both temporary and indefinite. In total, 36,537 indefinite contracts, 17.35% more (2,503), and temporary ones have risen by 24.46%, with 50,819 more than the previous month, up to 258,605 in total. Compared to May 2016, 34,571 more contracts were registered, with both indefinite (+ 12.45%, with 4,045 more) and temporary (+ 13.38%, with 30,525) increasing.

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